

Resources for Asian American, Native 夏威夷 和 Pacific Isl和er Entrepreneurs (AANHPI)

Asian-American, Native 夏威夷 和 Pacific Isl和ers (AANHPI) own one in 10 American businesses. 高度依赖自我和社区, their work ethic produces the highest average small business receipts of any ethnic group.

SCORE is dedicated to helping AANHPI entrepreneurs achieve their business goals.

尽管取得了这些成就, AANHPI entrepreneurs face racial discrimination 和 harassment that challenges their success 和 interferes with hiring employees, 吸引顾客, 获得融资. AANHPI women business owners are particularly affected.

"在SCORE提供的指导和资源下, 尤其是我的导师迈克尔·汤普森, 我能够扩大我的商业渠道, 制定有效的策略, 和 strengthen my networking with other small businesses 和 independent crafters." -窝Bisema


SCORE business mentors can help you start, grow, or transition your business. Enter your zip code 和 complete the form to get matched with a business expert near you!


卡尔顿年代. 陈

"在SCORE做志愿者是我的方式 传递爱. 但我还是很惊喜. 作为一个皇冠现金官网导师和主题专家,我 学到了很多 from my fellow volunteers, its business clientele, 和 the wealth of resources offered. 简单地说,就是SCORE的商业模式 真正起作用. If you can be a SCORE volunteer or client, don't miss out. 不管怎样,你都会学到很多!!"

SCORE导师玛丽米 tan的大头照
玛丽米. 棕褐色

"没有什么比 可喜的 as seeing a client's eyes light up when they suddenly get it. It could be a solution to a vexing problem, or insight into an 机会 他们以前从未见过. Mentoring allows me to leverage everything I have learned 和 to 做出切实的改变 在我们的客户创业之路上."


SCORE导师Uyen P Tran的大头照
Uyen P. Tran

"作为一名亚洲女性企业家, I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without the support 和 guidance of my amazing mentors. Having someone shed light on the challenges of starting your own business 和 doing it the right way has enabled me to pursue my dreams 和 do what I love. I want to be able to do that for someone else who is facing some challenges due to the cards life has dealt them."

AANHPI Entrepreneurs Who Turned to SCORE as a Partner in Their Success

With SCORE by your side, you don't have to go it alone. SCORE has helped countless AANHPI entrepreneurs find success in their small businesses. See how SCORE has helped some of the small business owners start 和 grow their small businesses. 你可能会成为下一个成功的故事!

kailing Neoh, 和酒吧的老板
点心吧:地道的中式点心 & Cocktails - A First-Generation Success Story with SCORE's Support
Kora旅行社的老板sunita Hedaoo说
发现定制的豪华旅行与科拉旅程. 量身定制的异国旅行目的地. SCORE Houston是如何为我们的旅程赋予力量的.
谢凡妮,Uni Uni珍珠奶茶的老板
珍珠奶茶 in Appleton, WI: Sip on diverse bubble teas & 冰沙. A place celebrating Asian culture with SCORE mentorship.
兔子用品 - A jump start with help from SCORE
兔子用品, 由波特兰的Jeni Nguyen领导, 把对宠物兔子的热爱变成了独一无二的, 由SCORE指导的环保家具品牌.
发现Chaga的力量! The Chaga Company brings you superfood-infused treats 和 drinks with 35x higher antioxidants than acai. 今天就体验一下Chaga的不同.
Discover 漂亮Pokets: Where Functionality Meets Fashion for Busy Moms. Founded by Electrical Engineer Madhu, Offering Stylish Utility Bags. 导师助你成功!
Resources for Asian American, Native 夏威夷 和 Pacific Isl和er Entrepreneurs

Check out resources created especially for AANHPI business owners.

In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month we are joined by three speakers who will be sharing tips, 策略, 以及可以帮助你发展业务的信息.
11 Ways to be an Ally for Asian Professionals 和 Business Owners
From breaking down the AAPI monolith to empowering Asian leaders, there are many ways to be an ally for Asian business owners.
How to Overcome the Unique Challenges Facing AANHPI Business Owners
Join this webinar In celebration of Asian American Pacific Isl和er heritage month 和 learn how you can embrace your culture while staying competitive in your business.
13 AANHPI企业家资源

亚洲企业是美国经济增长的重要贡献者.S. 经济. They make up the largest share of minority-owned employer businesses in the U.S., 采用5.200万人每年产生8410亿美元的收入这些都是鼓舞人心的统计数据.

Entrepreneurship can be a great 机会 for Asian Americans, 夏威夷原住民, 太平洋岛民(aanhpi), 有时被称为aapi). 创业也面临着挑战. In 亚太裔小企业主的状况 report by Hello Alice, 33 percent of the Asian small business owners surveyed said their number one

9 AANHPI Business Owners Share Their Secrets To Success
From adopting solid business practices to working with a goal-oriented mindset, there are several success secrets shared by AANHPI business owners.
Four AAPI individuals in a conference room having a discussion
12 Professional Networks for AANHPI Professionals or Entrepreneurs
从全国ACE到亚洲流浪女性, there are several AANHPI professional networks for entrepreneurs to join.
业务规划 & 财务报表模板图库

Download our easy-to-use business planning, finance, sales, marketing, 和 management templates to help you plan for a new 业务或发展你现有的业务.


支持你所在社区的小企业. SCORE is looking for people with diverse backgrounds 和 experiences to serve in a variety of roles — from knowledgeable business mentors to local community advocates.


版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

Funded, in part, through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, 和/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) 和 do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

